Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I dare you to.....!!!

Have you ever been daredbefore. Has it always worked out for your best, or for the good of others? This is my first personal blog post from my life so I wanted to make it interactive. First I'll share with you a story from my life, then I'll dare you to...

A couple of weeks ago I was in another city attending a conference where a good pastor friend of mine lives whom I really wanted to see and spend some time with. I wanted to do something nice for my friend so I asked God what He thought I could do that would bless him. Godreplied and said "Buy your friend some new shoes." I asked God why he wanted me to by my friend new shoes?, and He said, "Because I want to show my kindness and my favour to my son, through you today." I felt so overwhelmed and honoured by Gods response that the tears welling up in my eyes where interfearing with my driving. I wiped them away-praising God for the means and the tremendous honour of doing this for Him. My friend is very special to me
but at that moment I felt how special he was to God too! So, I'm continuing on my journey as I drive and I'm thinking about a prophetic practice that I had learned a few weeks earlier where you ask the Lord to share with you one Great Thought that He is having towards and would like you to share with a person. Well I singled out my pastor friend and I asked the Lord what that One Great Thought He was thinking about my friend was-that I could share with him when we met together later on that day. The Lord gave me a one sentence thought. It was uber-simple, nothing deep and seemingly spiritual or profound! But it was God's Great Thought towards my friend, and I felt even more honoured to have something additional to give to my friend that afternoon. At around lunch time I met my pastor friend in his office. After our exchange of hugs and greetings I asked him if he had been thinking about buying a new pair of shoes. He told me he had been thinking just that. I asked him if it would be alright, and if he had time for me to go along with him and buy him some new shoes while we spent our time together. He said that would be just fine and that he knew of a store where the shoes he wanted where being sold. After picking out his favorite pairs I paid for them with cash and we headed back to his place. Then I remembered and I shared the One Great Thought that God was thinking about my friend with him and he was so blessed by it. It was a confirmation to, and an encouragement for a prophetic word he had received earlier from a wonderful man of God who holds the office of a prophet. This day could not have gotten better, I thought, but it did! My friend took me back to his house and showed me a silver treasure parked in his garage, which someone else who loves him paid for him to have! It was a brand new 2007 YAMAHA scooter!!!!!!!!!!!!! How exciting is that! If you knew my enthusiasm for YAMAHA scooters, being a scooter owner myself, you could picture me being beside myself with joy over my friends new blessing on wheels! I love how God loves on us! I love being the recipiant of His kindness. And I love how wonderful it feels to be His honoured vessel of kindness to others.

I had a wonderful time being on purpose to bless my friend. I heard a preacher named Joyce Meyer once talk about being on purpose to bless other people instead of waiting around for God to "move you" to bless others in your life. So I dare* you, today, to pursue somebody with your plans to bless them, then sock-it-to-them, kindly! Kick it up a notch and get God's input on your plans like I did. And if you really want to bless them further, ask God to tell you One Great Thought he is having towards your "victim/friend/etc." (he he) that He would like you to share with them. Try it, have fun being the kindness of God to others, and watch how your giving grows you, making you more like Jesus because your acting like Him more each day.

*Please post back your stories from taking this "DARE" and also share any other stories you have of how God has showed you His Kindness and favour through other people in your life.


1 comment:

Tamatha said...

Welcome to the blogging world Peter! What a wonderful way to start off your blog. A challenge to spend time with God for others. I will accept your challenge...and return later to tell you the story!:o) (or stories...as they may be)haha